Friday, October 21, 2016

Blood Pressure Lab

1. The systole is is the beginning of the heartbeat in which the muscles contract and blood flows from the chambers into the arteries. The diastole is the when heart muscles relax and the chambers fill with blood.
2. The equipment used to measure heart rate is the stethoscope or you could simply use your fingers on your wrist or neck. A sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure.
3. Using your thumb to measure pulse is not a good idea because your thumb has a pulse in itself. If you use your thumb it may confuse the pulse you are trying to measure to your thumbs pulse. It is best to use your two fingers.
4. To use a sphygmomanometer, first remove anything clothing covering your subjects arm. The wrap the cloth around the arm and attach it securely. Then take a stethoscope and stick the round, hearing end inside the cloth, and the other side into your ears so you can hear the beats. Use you pump and pump until the needle marks 150-160mmHg with the knob tightened. Once you have pumped it, open the knob slowly and listen when the beats begin. Record that number as the first number and when you stop hearing the beats, record the number you see as your second number.

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