Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Personally, I believe that health is taking care of your body both physically and mentally and allowing those benefits to result in a more positive and energized lifestyle. I find that my strongest pillar would be "Social" because I spend a lot o my energy interacting with other people and appreciating my surroundings. I enjoy traveling and exploring different places, people, and foods. Being a part of the color guard also helps my "Exercise" pillar and keeps me on track with my fitness with our long hours of rehearsal. Overall due to poor time management and busy schedules, "Sleep" and "Stress" are my weakest 2 pillars as the higher stress I have, the less I sleep and vice versa. I want to learn more about how the maintenance of my health currently will affect me in the long run, and how each different pillar will shape and provide the foundation for my future self.   

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