Michelle Koo's Anatomy and Physiology Blog
This blog will be a collection of all the glorious Anatomical and Physiological things I do throughout the year!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
20 Time Final Reflection
As the semester is coming to a close, we have finished up our 20 time projects with a Ted Talk presentation. Here is a link to my presentation, Periods are Normal: Ted Talk. I think the presentation went really well and I was proud of the culmination of my project. I was more confident in front of the class than I thought I would have been, probably because I was speaking about a topic I was truly passionate about. I think the message of needing to change the stigma of menstruation really came across through the statistics, ads, and donations in the power point. I did not stumble on too many words and conveyed the message I wanted to get across. Based on the rubric, I would score myself quite well on all aspects expect for time. I did not meet the 4-5 minute time frame and went over by a minute. Despite going over on time, I am really proud of my presentation as the slides ended up being really effective in educating the class and was a concise and organized set.
I've learned a lot about what it means to be passionate about something and how that directly relates to how to will present or talk about something. While other assignments and presentations in school force you to research and develop power points for topics you may have little to no interest in, the 20 time talk was exactly the opposite. Not only were you able to share the things you did throughout the semester, but enlighten the class with the life lesson you learned and reflect on your own growth as a student and a human being. Dedicating time to help homeless people and using technology to do so was something I really never tried before, but as I was excited about talking about menstruation and cared a lot for homeless women, I was not nervous to present but rather really pumped to share. Due to the variety of the presentation, I was truly able to learn a lot about various topics I never thought too much about and educate myself on various issues in our world; they inspired me to look into other issues in the future and expanded my horizons in my knowledge of the world. This project has inspired me to dedicate more time to the things that I love, and not feeling like the are a "waste of time," but time spent towards a passion and a love worth exploring.
Monday, May 22, 2017
River Clean Up Service Project
Over the past weekend, a group of Saratoga students went to the San Tomas Aquino creek and picked up trash. We worked in pairs with a trash and recycling bag to sort the things we found and grabbers to help us pick them up. Carolyn and I spent the majority of our time in one area with a lot of tangled bushes where chip bags, plastic bags, and junk food wrappers were trapped. Being cautious of the poison oak that was around, we used our grabbers and reached into those hard-to-reach spots and removed all the liter. It was sad to see how much trash (from humans!!) laid around near the park, and it made me want to spend the whole day there picking every piece of plastic I saw. Unfortunately, the three hour cleanup was cut down to a mere 45 minutes and we did not get to spend too much time moving around to another area and look for trash. Here's some pictures of the nasty human liter we found stuck in bushes and buried near the creek:
Overall, this experience reminded me of how much we harm the environment and should find it part of our duty to give back by trashing responsibly and always keep in mind how each piece of consumption we invest in goes to the environment somehow. In the future, I want to participate in a longer cleanup session and possibly organize my own clean up with some friends in different areas. Each time I picked up a piece of trash, it felt satisfying to remove the pollution that harms the creatures that live near the creek and was just a nice Saturday morning activity to participate in. I hope this organization continues to remind people like me that our environment is precious and we should do everything in our power to treat it well.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Unit 8 Reflection
This unit, we examined the muscular system focusing into the synovial joints, muscle classification, the way muscles work, major muscles, and muscle fibers. Our joints have various types of movements and connections that allow it to move in certain motions. Angular movements allow our limbs to flex away and towards our body. One example is Rotation, which occurs when a bone revolves around its own longitudinal axis. When we exercise, we utilize the various motions of angular joints, which in turn benefits our muscles since joints and muscles are closely related. Correctly using our joints is important because it is essential for proper joint and muscle health. We choreographed a synovial dance to better understand the movements, unfortunately I did not videotape our dance, but we used each of the terms during each of the movements to help us memorize and internalize the movements and their respective names. We also did a research project, where we re-designed a new joint that would better prevent injuries. If you want to see how I re-designed the ankle joint, click here!
We have three different types of muscles: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. At the microscopic level, muscles contain excitability receiving and responding to various stimuli. For example, connective tissue holds muscle fibers together and fascia surrounds the entire muscle. There is consistent nerve and blood supply, which demands and uses a great deal of ATP. Muscles also work in opposition, where one muscle contracts while the other relaxes. For example, when the biceps brachii flexes, the triceps brachii relaxes. Each one of our muscles follows this contraction/relaxation rule. There are 40 superficial muscles divided into 12 regions on the anterior side and 27 superficial regions divided into 7 regions on the posterior side. They are organized by size, shape, action, number of origins, and location. Each one of those muscles plays a specific function for the body, for example: the gluteus maximus extends and rotates the thigh laterally and brings leg in line with the body. We took our understanding of muscles to a deeper level through the chicken dissection which helped us see the muscles in real life and see the opposition rule take place. The chicken's muscles allows us to compare them to the muscles in the human body. Click this link to see a detail recap of the lab: Chicken Dissection.
Muscles have a very complex way of contracting involving very specific steps, here's the rundown:
- Nerve sends impulse to the muscle fibers.
- Ach activates the action potential on the muscle, and opens the sarcosplasmic reticulum.
- Ca2+ ions are released from the sarcoplsmic reticulum and into the cytoplasm.
- The ions then bind onto the TT complex that is now exposed and wraps around the actin filaments.
- ATP attaches onto the binding site at the myosin crossbridge.
- ATP split into ADP and P which causes the myosin head to move forward.
- The P falls off and the myosin head attaches itself to the binding site on Actin.
- ADP fals off and the myosin head retracts back to its resting position and pulls the actin forward simultaneously.

Lastly, we examined muscles fibers and how they facilitate and respond to different types of exercise. We have 3 different muscle fibers: slow twitch fibers, fast twitch fibers a, and fast twitch fibers b. Slow twitch fibers are slow oxidative, meaning they are highly depend on a steady supply of oxygen and contains low storage of glycogen. These muscles are mostly seen in long distance athletes and exercise such as marathons. Fast twitch fibers a are fast oxidative, meaning it contracts fast and is moderately dependent on oxygen. They fatigue quickly and appear red/pink in color and are better suited for short distance exercise. Fast Twitch fibers b are fast glycolytic meaning they contain high levels of glycogen, yet a low oxidative capacity. Due to their lack in oxygen, they fatigue quickly and appear pink/white in color. These muscles are usually seen in athletes who participate in sprints or very short term exercises.
I'm still curious about what kind of exercise generates hypertrophy/hyperplasia. I'm assuming cardio exercise would most likely initiate a growth in cells, while weightlifhting would cause a growth in muscle cell size. Still curious to how our muscles make that choice and the distinction.
In these past few weeks, I have gained exponential progress for my 20 time, as I have collected 377 pads/tampons for homeless women! I got really proactive with asking people to donate and I'm really excited to donate them to Sacred Heart Community Service and see how these products will benefit the women who use the facility. I have become more productive with my study habits, as I have found a new method of writing down and defining all the terms on the study guide and going through the notes to make sure I truly understand everything has helped me understand the material more effectively.
I'm still curious about what kind of exercise generates hypertrophy/hyperplasia. I'm assuming cardio exercise would most likely initiate a growth in cells, while weightlifhting would cause a growth in muscle cell size. Still curious to how our muscles make that choice and the distinction.
In these past few weeks, I have gained exponential progress for my 20 time, as I have collected 377 pads/tampons for homeless women! I got really proactive with asking people to donate and I'm really excited to donate them to Sacred Heart Community Service and see how these products will benefit the women who use the facility. I have become more productive with my study habits, as I have found a new method of writing down and defining all the terms on the study guide and going through the notes to make sure I truly understand everything has helped me understand the material more effectively.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
More Effective Joint: Sprained Ankle
The ankle is composed of many different bones and joint, with ligaments connecting them to each other, that bind and work together to allow us to walk and move our feet. There are ligaments surrounding the ankle and they act to stretch and allow the ankle to move up and down or side to side. Because it is able to do this, the ankle is namely called a subtalar joint. After investigating more into ankle injuries and where the damage is sourced and what is affected, I have proposed a newly designed ankle that will minimize rolled ankles and decrease the number of injuries. If you're interested in how this super-ankle can prevent sprains and resist impact, keep on reading!
Most common, the three ligaments(anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and the posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) in the lateral ligament complex tear during a rolled ankle. As seen by the picture below, the red marks indicate where the tear would take place. Since these ligaments on the lateral side of the ankle often tear during injury, my proposal for the new ankle is to thicken the fibers in each of those ligaments, making them sustain more impact that they usually do. The ligaments will also be more elastic, allowing them to stretch farther during an impact and resist snapping. By increasing the thickness of the ligaments and increasing their tolerance for sudden impact, the ankle may appear thicker in size, however this will still benefit the foot because it gives more cushion and catches some of the injury's impact.
Along with the thickening the ligaments, there will also be a layer of fat added below the calcaneus, underneath the metatarsals and tarsals. This will give the foot more stability when doing everyday motions such as walking, but will greatly benefits athletes because it also prevents the ankle's joints from receiving the impact and instead transfers it to the added fat. The new fat will be called "calcaneotarsal filament."
Finally, the ankle's talus and base of the tibia and fibula will be able to rotate 360 degrees. This motion will allow the ankle to smoothly move along any disturbances of turning in or turning out, giving the ankle more relaxed momentum to resist any injuries that may cause it to twist abnormally.
The ankle is located at the bottom of the tibia and fibula: bones that make up your lower leg. The “true ankle” consists of three bones: the calcaneus, talus, tibia, and fibula. These three joints are responsible for the up-and-down motion of the ankle. The calcaneus is the cuboidal structured bone at the back of your foot, making up the rounded portion of your ankle. The talus makes up the lower portion of the ankle joint; the tibia and fibula are part of the lower leg, the tibia being the larger bone. Among these bones in your ankle, there are ligaments that connect them to each other. When walking, the talus takes on the entire weight of the body primarily, then trasnfers the half of the weight to the calcaneus.
Here is an overview of the commonly torn ligaments during an ankle sprain or injury. The three ligaments that make up the lateral ligament complex is the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and the posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL). THis complex gives the ankle lateral stability when walking, running, or jumping. The anterior talofibular ligament is located between your fibula and tibia, stretching across the upper region of your foot. The ATFL connects the fibula to the metatarsals, stretching sagittally across the foot. The calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) connects the middle of the calcaneus to the base of the fibula. The posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) attach between the backs of the tibia and fibula. Lastly, the deltoid ligaments connect the tibia to talus/calcaneus providing medial stability. The underside of the talus and the top of the calcaneus forms the subtalar joint, allowing the ankle to move side-to-side. The ankle works like a hinge joint giving it the ability to move up (dorsiflexion) and down (plantarflexion).
A tendon connects a muscle to a bone. Beginning at the fibula and stretching down around the top of the calcaneus are the peroneals, ending towards the tarsals is the peroneus brevis tendon; the longer tendon, peroneus longus tendon lies underneath the PBT. The most popular and commonly known tendon in is the Achilles tendon, attaching the calf muscles to the calcaneus. This allows us to going onto our tippy toes and is critical for walking and engaging the muscles in our lower leg.
There is a nerve that passes over the middle of the top of the foot, one along the outer edge of the ankle, and the tibial nerve which runs behind the medial malleolus. These nerves provide the foot with sensation and allow the foot to better control the muscles surrounding it. Arteries supply blood and oxygen to the foot joint. The artery located over the superior face of the foot is the dorsalis pedis and the artery behind the medial malleolus is the posterior tibial artery, which transmits other smaller vessels to the interior of the ankle joint.
Often when an ankle injury occurs, the ligaments located on the outer edge of the ankle stretch beyond their capacity and tear. During dance, the body is everted to its full capacity, as the core, and limbs are highly engaged and actively moving. When one does a leap, the leg comes back down with the ankle facing the initial impacts. If landed incorrectly or at a strange position, the ankle may roll and the ligaments tear causing a painful sprain and the ankle to turn inward. Ankle sprains, causing the foot to turn in are common in sports such as soccer and football since your legs are rapidly moving.
Most common, the three ligaments(anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and the posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) in the lateral ligament complex tear during a rolled ankle. As seen by the picture below, the red marks indicate where the tear would take place.
Along with the thickening the ligaments, there will also be a layer of fat added below the calcaneus, underneath the metatarsals and tarsals. This will give the foot more stability when doing everyday motions such as walking, but will greatly benefits athletes because it also prevents the ankle's joints from receiving the impact and instead transfers it to the added fat. The new fat will be called "calcaneotarsal filament."
Finally, the ankle's talus and base of the tibia and fibula will be able to rotate 360 degrees. This motion will allow the ankle to smoothly move along any disturbances of turning in or turning out, giving the ankle more relaxed momentum to resist any injuries that may cause it to twist abnormally.
I arrived at this new design because I noticed a repetition of broken ligaments during a rolled ankle. Not only were they usually ligaments, but the ones that tore were always located on the lateral side of the ankle. Also, the ankle was usually turned inwards during an sports injury, therefore I decided that adding a rotating cuff into the talus and base of tibia and fibula would allow the ankle to resist that impact of turning in. I had some issues with adding in the new layer of fat into the bottom of the ankle since it would be impossible to add any kind of material into joints and bones, however, it fit the requirements of increasing protective cushion in the ankle. It was interesting to go through the process of looking deeper into the ankle, as it is often said that studying the dysfunctions of our body helps us understand the normal functions. And it is true! I was fascinated about the various ligaments in the ankle and how precisely each one was located. Seeing that injuries often caused the lateral side of the ankle to break, shows how important it is to be mindful of where our foot placement is. When we participate in various activities such as dance, soccer, football, or any kind of sport, our ankle is under a large amount of impact and we can decrease the risk of injury by always landing either toes first, or (keeping) the knees bent so that the impact distributes up the leg and isn't all located in the ankle.
Works Cited:
“Anatomy of the Ankle.” Southern California Orthopedic Associates, www.scoi.com/specialties/anatomy-ankle. Accessed 8 May 2017.
Fisher, Stuart James, editor. “Foot and Ankle.” OrthoInfo, American Academy of Orthopedic Sciences, 2017, orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00524.
FootCare MD, editor. “Ankle Sprain.” American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society, Bone and Joint Initative, 2017, www.aofas.org/footcaremd/conditions/ailments-of-the-ankle/Pages/Ankle-Sprain-.aspx.
Johnson, Josh. “Ankle Sprain.” My Ankle, edited by British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society., General Medical Council, 2013, myankle.co.uk/conditions/ankle-sprain/. Accessed 5 May 2017.
“A Patient’s Guide to Ankle Anatomy.” Where Does It Hurt, Houston Methodist Leading Medicine, 2017, www.houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics/where-does-it-hurt/ankle/ankle-anatomy/. Accessed 8 May 2017.
Tortora, Gerald J., and Bryan Derrickson. Introduction to the Human Body. 7th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2007. The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
What Happens When We Stretch
Relate and Review:
Our muscles are stretched by elongating the sarcomeres, increasing and decreasing the area of overlap between the myofilaments. When the muscle is enlongated to its full extent, the sarcomeres are fully stretched and collagen fibers in the connective tissue align themselves along the tension. When a muscle is stretched, some fibers elongate, but others do not move and stay at rest. Proprioceptors give us the ability to sense our body's position and movement, detecting changes to our physical movement. When our muscle contracts, tension is transferred to the golgi tendon organ. It is important to stretch for long periods of time because the muscle "habituates" to the new length, allowing your muscles to gradually increase in length over time. When I stretch for color guard, each muscle stretch us held for around 30 seconds to 1 minute, sometimes even longer. We also stretch the muscles in different ways: for example, when we stretch our legs we'll bend over with our feet pointed and stretch over with our feet flexed to stretch different muscles. The reason we become more flexible is through the persistent stretching of the same muscles consistently, giving more elasticity to the fibers and habituating our muscles to the new length. It is more difficult to stretch a contracted muscle, therefore stretching for a prolonged period of time helps the muscle relax when being stretched.
of the reasons for holding a stretch for a prolonged period of time is that as
you hold the muscle in a stretched position, the muscle spindle habituates
(becomes accustomed to the new length) and reduces its signaling."- When we stretch in color guard, the goal is to become more flexible and warm up our muscles for the physical activity ahead. We often push the stretches a little further, and this will eventually accustom the fibers to be longer. This results in a longer muscle and more flexibility. We usually hold our splits for at least 2 minutes, in order to get effective stretching and truly elongate those muscle fibers, resulting in a larger and more elastic muscle.
- Both contraction and stretching is controlled by muscle fibers creating a parallel reactions in our muscle, increasing the contracting fibers and increasing the stretch fibers help our body adjust to the physical activity we assert onto it. I understood that stretching your muscles overtime makes you more flexible, but I was not aware of the individual fibers that are extended.
muscle spindle records the change in length (and how fast) and sends signals to
the spine which convey this information."
- Our nervous system plays a role in remembering the changed length of our muscles when we stretch by sending a signal to the spinal cord, which then sends it to the brain. This recorded measurement plays a role when our muscles habituate and keep that new stretched length. This signal also triggers the stretch reflex to resist the change and cause the muscle to contract; this function prevents the body from injury and maintain the tone of the muscles.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Chicken Dissection Analysis
In our chicken dissection, we observed the exterior and interior parts of our chicken, paying attention to how the muscles, tendons, and bones help the chicken move. First, we peeled off the skin on the breast and made an incision down the midline of the pectoralis major in order to expose the pectoralis minor underneath. The pectoralis major allows the bird to fly by pulling on its wing when it contracts. As seen in the picture below, the pectoralis minor is directly under the pectoralis major and it pulls the wings dorsally when flying.
Pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, orbicularis shaped muscles that make up the chicken´s breast |
The trapezius muscle and latissimus dorsi which is a depressor for the chicken´s wing |
Deltoid: piriformis muscle on top of shoulder |
Brachioradialis: Largest muscle on lower wing, located on the lateral side of hand, same side as the radius. Flexor carpi ulnaris: On posterior side of wing, from "pinky" to elbow |
Biceps brachii and triceps brachii located on the anterior and posterior sides of the chicken's upper wing |
While observing the upper wing, we discovered that by twisting the humerous, the wing flexes back and forth demonstrating extension and flexion.
Check out the video below to see the movement!
Since these chicken's were raised to be eaten as meat, their thighs and calves are very disproportionate, often making the muscles on their calves much larger than their quadriceps. Shown below is the sartorius and quadriceps femoris. The sartorius is located down the front length of the thighs and allows both chickens and humans to cross their legs. The quadripceps femoris, located on the inner thigh is made up of 4 different muscles that flex and extend the lower leg. In humans, it is known as the rectus femoris and the muscle helps to extend the knee joint and is crucial for walking/running/jumping.
Sartorius and Quadricep femoris: located on the thigh to help with crossing of legs and extension of lower leg |
The illiotibialis, seen in the picture to the right is covers the majority of the thighs and allows for extension and flexion of the leg |
Gastrocnemius: attached to Achilles tendon, extends foot and flexes lower leg |
Monday, April 17, 2017
Unit 7 Reflection
This unit centered around the skeletal system: microscopic/ macroscopic characteristics, understanding various disorders, different types of bones, roles of vitamins/cells/ the environment impact, bone repair, and different types of joints. On a microscopic level our bones consist of cells, blood vessels, and matrix. There are three types of bone cells (osteocyctes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts). They are responsible for structure, bone formation, and breaking down our bones for remodeling/release of calcium, respectively. Owl Pellet Lab

In the second chapter, we studied the disorders of the skeletal system and how they affect different types or parts of bones. When our joints become inflamed from age, trauma, or infection, we can contract a very common disorder of arthritis. Bones can also become porous and lose substantial amount of calcium resulting in osteoporosis. A key element to the structure and function of our body is the spinal cord and in some cases the spine may become curved abnormally (scoliosis) or a hump may form above the normal curvature (kyphosis). Bones can also be weakened from lake of Vitamin D or exercise. Exercise is crucially important because it helps with the formation of muscles AND bones. When we continuously use our bone, we build up bone density and decrease the amount of space in the bone matrix. Calcium is essential to our bones as a process called calcitonin occurs in our thyroid gland and inhibits osteoclasts from breaking down bone tissue. We also examined the skeleton of the human body, observing and identifying the bones all the way from the frontal bone on the top of the head to the phalanges on your feet. Here is a diagram on the right showing the various names for bones in the human body. I wonder why we have false and floating ribs under our 12 pairs of ribs, and what those two bones functions are.
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